Preparing for Your First Penetration Test: Key Considerations for Success

July 10, 2023
Bennett Warner

Penetration testing is a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy as it simulates a real-world cyber-attack and assesses an organization's security posture. Additionally, as part of the release management process, penetration testing can help ensure that software updates and new releases are secure and free from vulnerabilities. In today’s security landscape, regular penetration testing is essential for all organizations. However, before your company conducts its first penetration test, there are some crucial things to know and steps to take:  

What is a Penetration Test?

A penetration test is a simulated cyber-attack that assesses an organization's security defenses. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could be exploited by an actual attacker. A penetration test typically involves the use of automated tools and manual techniques to probe an organization's hosts, networks, and applications for vulnerabilities.

Why Conduct a Penetration Test?

Organizations perform penetration testing for a variety of reasons, a successful penetration test can help your organization to:

  • Identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of security controls
  • Test incident response plans
  • Assess the security awareness of employees
  • Comply with regulatory requirements

What Organizations Should Do to Prepare for Their First Penetration Test?

Once your organization has defined the goals of the penetration test, it should take the following steps to prepare. Finding a reliable partner who can help guide your organization through this process can be a crucial first step to achieving your goals effectively. Plus, working with an experienced partner can help save your organization time, money, and resources:  

  1. Identify the scope of the penetration test. Before the penetration test begins, it's important to identify the specific hosts, networks, and applications that will be tested. This will help ensure that the test is comprehensive and addresses the areas of your organization that are most at risk.
  2. Gather necessary permissions. A penetration test can involve accessing sensitive information and systems, so it's important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to conduct the test. This may include obtaining consent from management, customers, and other stakeholders, as well as obtaining any required legal approvals.
  3. Create a plan for communication and reporting. A penetration test can take some time to complete, and it's important to have a plan in place for communicating with stakeholders and reporting on the test's progress and findings. This may include regular updates to management and relevant teams, as well as a final report that outlines the test's findings and recommendations for improvement.
  4. Establish a process for responding to findings. A penetration test will likely uncover vulnerabilities and potential areas for improvement in your organization's security measures. It's important to have a process in place for responding to these findings, including prioritizing and addressing the most critical issues, and implementing any necessary changes to improve security.
  5. Plan for follow-up and regular testing. A penetration test is not a one-time event – it's important to regularly test your organization's security measures to ensure that they remain effective over time. This may include follow-up penetration tests to verify that any identified vulnerabilities have been addressed, as well as regular testing to identify any new vulnerabilities that may arise.
  6. Choosing the Right Partner: Choosing the right partner can be critical for a successful penetration test. Look for a partner with experience and expertise in conducting penetration tests. A partner who understands your organization's unique needs and can tailor the test accordingly can add significant value. At RISCPoint we have a team of experienced and certified security consultants who can help you achieve your penetration testing goals.


Performing a penetration test is an essential element of a thorough cybersecurity program. Before conducting a penetration test, organizations need to define the goals of the test, consider timing, compliance considerations, and budget. Once the goals of the penetration test are defined, organizations should take steps to prepare, including identifying the test’s scope, securing internal sign-off, notifying and updating stakeholders, and preparing a process for responding to findings. By taking these steps, organizations can ensure the success of their first penetration test and improve their overall security posture.

About RISCPoint

If you are looking to bolster your organization’s security or achieve compliance, RISCPoint has advanced services tailored to your needs. Our certified cyber security professionals have successfully supported companies across a wide range of industries and sizes, from Fortune 10 to pre-Series A startups. To learn more, visit or call 1-888-320-1327.


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