Three Pain Points of a FedRAMP Assessment

October 16, 2023
Rasmi Shrestha

Obtaining FedRAMP authorization marks a pivotal achievement for Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) as it opens avenues to provide services to the federal government. Navigating the FedRAMP assessment process can be challenging and complex, with CSPs frequently encountering roadblocks along the way.

We’ll dive into three key pain points faced by organizations during the critical FedRAMP assessment process. By understanding and proactively addressing these challenges, CSPs can enhance their chances of achieving and maintaining FedRAMP compliance, thereby expanding their opportunities in the federal marketplace.

Pain Point 1: Vague, Inaccurate, or Incomplete Documentation

While the FedRAMP process is designed to be efficient and standardized, the assessment experience can vary based on the quality of the System Security Plan and its associated documentation. If the CSP documentation is vague or inconsistent, then it can lead to varying interpretations by the assessors that can change from year to year. This will likely lead to additional scrutiny of security control implementations that could be avoided with an accurate and detailed documentation package.

A well-organized documentation package that is provided to the assessor in a timely manner can enhance the assessment process and mitigate the challenges associated with a vague or incomplete documentation package. Maintaining accurate documentation encompassing version control will help supplement the accuracy and completeness of all documentation. Clear, concise, consistent, and complete explanation of security controls and their implementation are essential for bridging the knowledge gap between assessors and the CSP.

Similarly, the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) updates its focus and priorities based on the changing cybersecurity threat landscape that can affect what FedRAMP deems acceptable for security control implementation. CSPs must remain agile and adapt to these shifts, emphasizing flexibility and continuous improvement in their security posture. Maintaining open lines of communication with the FedRAMP PMO, trusted advisors, the assessing 3PAO, and actively participating in industry forums and working groups can provide valuable insights into evolving priorities.

RISCPoint is accredited as a FedRAMP Third-Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) and maintains regular communication with the FedRAMP PMO to ensure CSPs stay up to date with the latest PMO requirements and expectations.

Pain Point 2: Management of the Assessment

Effective project management is crucial to meeting and coordinating prescribed FedRAMP timelines and deliverables internally and with the assessors. In the context of larger organizations, the coordination of internal resources can pose substantial challenges. These challenges necessitate the implementation of robust project management that encompasses several pivotal strategies for success. Establishing clear lines of communication, conflict resolution protocols, and setting realistic expectations are key strategies for successful project management.

Moreover, balancing the demands of audit responsibilities alongside daily operational functions can place a considerable strain on resources. To mitigate this, organizations may choose to allocate dedicated personnel exclusively to FedRAMP-related activities. This approach serves several purposes to prevent burnout, enhance focus and streamline the assessment process.

RISCPoint’s Assessment Support and Continuous Monitoring services can ensure a smooth and managed authorization experience throughout the 3PAO assessment, Agency ATO Process and FedRAMP PMO Package Review and Authorization decision.

Pain Point 3: Remediation of Findings

Efficiently addressing findings is essential in preserving and meeting the FedRAMP Federal Mandate regarding remediation timelines. CSPs should maintain a clear and efficient remediation approach, closely tracking progress, and ensuring that the remediation aligns with the control requirements. Structured remediation plans with clear milestones and continuous monitoring are key during remediation efforts. CSPs should develop a systematic approach to catalogue and respond to findings quickly to ensure an on-time report delivery.

Furthermore, aligning technology with compliance practices is crucial. This involves educating teams on how security controls work within their environment and fostering transparent communication between technical and compliance teams.

RISCPoint’s team of experts collaborates closely with CSP internal teams to efficiently address and resolve identified findings in a timely manner.

A proactive and strategic approach to these pain points will lead to greater success in achieving and maintaining FedRAMP authorization, ultimately enhancing the CSP's standing within the federal marketplace. With careful planning and diligence, the path to FedRAMP success becomes clearer, offering access to the lucrative world of government contracts.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you in effectively addressing and navigating through these pain points.


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